Friday 19 August 2011

Image result for sketchup house

That family had some kid living in the attic.  The place made sounds all day of dripping water, weird moans,  walls banging.    This is when nobody was home.  The kid was at school.  The parents were off at work.  The attic dweller was off I assume at work.

These are renderings I made and forgot about in sketch up of that place.

Thursday 21 July 2011

The ghost sometimes popped right out of the roof like it was not there, like it was the ghost.  We all saw it, all the neighbors.  He was from that first house that died.  He was haunting a ghost himself.  

As a boy I saw orange groves in rows in parts of this valley. They were surrounded by gas stations, convenience stores, fast food chains, all encroaching. The motels strung along Sepulveda blvd as well as parts of Balboa were to me just ugly boxes. I later would learn that in some people did illegal things. I later than that would learn in a book that those motels were there as artifacts from when a few streets stretched across this valley connecting Los Angeles and the Central valley. As a little boy I apparently hated parking lots. I have no memory of this,  I have lived my whole life in the north valley.     That house is haunted.   We all on the street know this.   The family is nice and seem to not notice or care.  The weird young man they let illegally live in the attic seems to also not care.   My wife and I get a strange feeling though when we see him.  Ethan is the name we hear them call him.  

Wednesday 20 July 2011

The first house was gone before I was born.  They buried the couple in the back yard.   He still looks for her though.  She died mysteriously while preparing a bath the old newspapers said.  Here is how I picture him floating around looking for her in my best I can do in sketch up software.
Image result for sketchup house

Monday 18 July 2011

  If the ghost haunts a previous house it is haunted something we cannot even see as the living right?   That poor guy we all see sometimes in the house at the top of the street here like it is not even there.  He never seems to hear the endless dripping sounds and fall of his wife who apparently died years before him in the 1920's.  She is sounds now.  He is a body that can move lost and sad through walls.   I am just a neighbor now recently retired.